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'My bathroom' (2021)

Paper, table top, port glasses, plastic bottles, planks, PVC pipes, masking tape, ball, spray paint, glue, aluminium foil, cement, acrylic paint, napkin, cardboard, screws, pizza box, staples, LED spotlights, duct tape , glue sticks, velcro, insulating foam, sheep wool, plastic, adhesive tape, nails, ink, transparent foil, nylon, wood, pallets, wallpaper, vinyl sail, styrofoam, slatted base, rainbow foil, plastic caps, long drink glasses, plexiglass, linoleum, iron wire, magnets, aluminium caps, sandblasted film, paint rollers, newspapers, pens, glue wires, steel wire, artificial grass mats, rags, bamboo, oil paint, copper, electrical wires, insulating pipes, tea lights, artificial straw, coloured pencil, toilet rolls, plastic bags

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